The berry-ness continues.....
Black and White Tart (in our case, red and white)
4 out of 5
Since white currants and fresh black berries are impossible to locate here in Perth, I substituted some beautiful strawberries for this simple tart. The crust was lovely although very crumbly to deal with, the filling was easy to prepare and made a lovely, simple and fresh dessert. This is my favourite kind of tart.
Blackberry Galette#64
3.5 out of 5
This looks like a forensic investigation but was actually quite yummy. Pity about the poor presentation, but I don't think there was a lot you could do with this one to improve it. A freeform tart with such liquid ingredients makes for a total blood bath when you try to serve it. Maybe not one to serve for a dinner party.
Double Apple Pie#65
3.5 out of 5
This was a great apple pie, with two different types of apple prepared in different ways to add texture. The crust was delicious but extremely annoying to roll out as it was so crumbly. In fact I have found this with a lot of Nigella's pastries. Perhaps it's the chef and not the recipe?
(Blackberry) Raspberry and Apple Pie#66
4 out of 5
Since raspberries are more readily available in season, I substituted these instead for this delicious pie. Again I had trouble with the pastry being very crumbly when rolling it out but the end product was most delicious.
Peach Cream Pie#67
2.5 out of 5
This should be Peach "Cream" Pie as it was not really that creamy. It was quite easy to make and felt relatively healthy next to the other pies in this chapter, with quite a bland filling and not much sugar content. My toddler loved it and it's actually become a staple in our freezer for play lunch at daycare as it freezes really well. I don't think I'll be making this again.
Redcurrant Meringue Pie (No Photo)
4 out of 5
Another delicious pie, with a meringue top. Again I had to substitute the berries (raspberries), because of the availability of berries in Australia. The end result was delicious but very thin. I would recommend doubling the filling ingredients to make a 'high pie'. Since raspberries are a lot less robust than redcurrants I didn't cook the filling on the stove for as long as the recipe suggested, but it still turned to a jammy yummy mess. Again, the pastry was a nightmare to roll out and get into the tin without breaking into pieces. No matter, as the finished product was wolfed down by my extended family.
And that completes the pie chapter. Next up, puddings. And we are at the beginning of summer in Australia!